With Lou Leman, Andre Nightingale & Tom Cockram
A very well attended meeting with detailed information on successfully growing and maintaining figs from three BSV presenters.
Read MoreA very well attended meeting with detailed information on successfully growing and maintaining figs from three BSV presenters.
Read MoreA hugely successful BSV January workshop last Saturday. A wide range of trees being lovingly trimmed, defoliated and wired.
Read MoreThe Annual Exhibition is an opportunity for Members to display their work and we were not disappointed in 2018. Over 90 wonderful bonsai were on display with an extensive range of species and styles.
Read MoreMike Simonetto was invited to share his vast knowledge and experience growing flowering bonsai. Mike shared his experience and observations covering the various growing issues and an extensive range of species suitable for bonsai.
Read MoreBSV Members met at our normal venue to work on their trees and seek advice and guidance from other members; and to have a chat and catch up.
Read MoreThe BSV had great pleasure in welcoming Roger Hnatiuk to our Monday meeting to talk about the design and styling of bonsai in the context of Australian tree species and landscapes.
Read MoreDon’s vast experience with a variety of tree types and his bonsai styling skills provide an opportunity for members to learn much in this workshop. Everyone not only enjoyed the workshop but appreciated Don’s warmth and friendship.
Read MoreBSV Members gathered to develop their skills on deciduous trees. It was a very busy afternoon and significant progress was made in the various activities. Victor Liew led another session on growing triple trunk Trident Maples.
Read MoreThe BSV was very pleased to welcome Don De Luca from Hay in NSW to talk about growing Desert Ash trees as bonsai.
Read MoreA hugely successful Novice #3 beginners' session has just been completed. Without doubt, the BSV Novice Program has to be the best value beginners' program in Melbourne.
Read MoreOn a mild autumn evening, over 40 BSV members gathered to hear Scott talk about growing and maintaining Japanese Black Pines.
Read MoreFollowing the first blast of some real winter temperatures and rain, BSV Members met to work on their trees and get them ready for winter.
Read MoreJohn and Dave talked about collecting Yamadori in Australia and the issues you face when collecting. John had several recent Yamadori on display to illustrate the types of trees that could be collected.
Read MoreWith strong winds and rain threatening, preparation for the 2018 BSV Sales Day started early with a frenzy of activity to unload plants and arrange displays.
Read MoreAt the March meeting of the BSV, Michael Simonetto shared his extensive knowledge of carving bonsai with members. His demonstration included both hand and power tools.
Read MoreOur Banksia evening in February was a very informative and engaging session with Craig Wilson. BSV members watched eagerly as Craig pruned several large banksias and demonstrated the fact that they can be seriously chopped with very successful back budding in due course.
Read MoreIt was warm and humid at the start of the session but rain showers during the afternoon brought some relief. Members worked on a wide range of trees and azalea experts were on hand to assist as required.
Read MoreIn the first meeting for 2018, Tien from Bonsai Sensation conducted a brief demonstration on growing figs for bonsai followed by a workshop for members to work on their figs and seek guidance if necessary.
Read MoreThe first Saturday Workshop for 2018 was very productive with much activity focussed on trimming, defoliating and revitalising developing and existing bonsai.
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