July Weekend Workshop: Trident Maples

Triple Trunk Trident Maples

On a fine and heated Saturday, BSV Members gathered in East Kew to develop their skills on deciduous trees. It was a very busy afternoon and significant progress was made in the various activities. Victor L. led another session on growing triple trunk Trident Maples.  

This session followed up plantings done last year, helped Members create new plantings and demonstrated the next stage in the process where the metal plate is removed and the triple trunk repotted. Photos below show plate removal steps. Facilities were also available to assist Members in their repotting activity.

Mark L., Victor B. and Victor L. provided assistance to Members with developing and styling their trees. Photos of several examples are included below

Trident Maple Triple Trunk development.

Trident Maple Triple Trunk development.

Trident Maple Triple Trunk development.

Trident Maple Triple Trunk development.

Trident Maples

Trident Maples

Styling adjustments

Styling adjustments

Preparing for the Trident Maple triple trunk exercise.

Preparing for the Trident Maple triple trunk exercise.

Trident Maple Triple Trunk development - removing the plate

Trident Maple Triple Trunk development - removing the plate



Reviewing style.

Reviewing style.



Trident Maple Triple Trunk development.

Trident Maple Triple Trunk development.

Applying styling adjustments.

Applying styling adjustments.

Chinese Elms in development.

Chinese Elms in development.