BSV Bonsai Exhibition 2018
Annual Exhibition at Box Hill Town Hall
The Bonsai Society of Victoria hosted its 2018 Annual Exhibition at the Box Hill Town Hall on October 13 and 14. It was a great Show and if you missed it, please mark your diaries for 2019.
A successful Exhibition relies on many volunteers and sponsors and the BSV extends a very special thank you to all those who helped make this Exhibition a magnificent event. Your help is very much appreciated.
The Annual Exhibition is an opportunity for Members to display their work and we were not disappointed in 2018. Over 90 wonderful bonsai were on display with an extensive range of species and styles. Visitors to the Exhibition were very pleased with the display. See below for views of the display.
In addition to the display, the Exhibition had a sales area for trees and bonsai equipment, a special display table for children’s bonsai, demonstrations and a Children’s Workshop where the children were able to select and pot a small bonsai.
To recognise the excellent examples of our bonsai art, the Society makes two awards. The People’s Choice Award is based on votes by visitors to the Exhibition for their favourite tree. The Geoff Vanner Perpetual Trophy for the best tree in show was based on votes by BSV Members.
For 2018, the winner of the People’s Choice Award was Val for her well presented Sticky Wattle – Acacia howittii. Well done Val and we are sure you are still celebrating.
The Geoff Vanner Perpetual Trophy for 2018 was awarded to Matt for his Chinese Elm “Seiju” – Ulmus parvifolia “Seiju”. This is a great example of this small leafed variety .
Matt receiving the Geoff Vanner Award for Best Tree in Show
Potting. Well Done!
Chinese Juniper
Val was very excited to receive the People's Choice Award.
Matt and his winning tree.
Tea Tree
Chinese Elm
Val and her winning Sticky Wattle bonsai.
Desert Ash Group
Dwarf Japanese Wisteria
Chinese Juniper