Eucalypts with Kevin Ritchie
Kevin Ritchie, is our very talented and experienced bonsai expert on all things Eucalyptus and over the course of the evening informed and educated us about the many trees that make up this species.
Eucalyptus and many sub groups, over 100 species of Corymbia and 16 species of Angophora. (The best example of an Angophora Costata is the beautiful bonsai in the National Bonsai Collection in Canberra. This was created by Ted Poynton and is the best example of Eucalypt you will ever see.)
Kevin described the features of Eucalypts which enhance them for use as a bonsai:
Trunk and bark,
Branching and crown structure,
Leaf formation, development and characteristics,
Variations within species.
Kevin also explained:
Responses to change in environment
Management of potting mix, watering and fertilizers
Management of pests - insects, fungi, virus, etc.
One of the two E. Melliadora was cut given its initial styling and severe reduction. By middle le of April it will be in full leaf again and careful selection of growth will need to be considered. In May it will be possible to do some root reduction.
Thank you, Kevin, for a brilliant and masterly presentation especially in light of the considerable distraction that occurred through the evening.