BSV Members returned from the Christmas New Year break refreshed and keen to improve the style of their trees. See a selection below including several before and afters and some digital magic to get a possible future view. Sorry about the camera shake on a few photos - I must have been doing a rain dance on the wooden floor!!
Prickly Paperbark - Before Adjustment |
Prickly Paperbark - After Initial Adjustment |
Prickly Paperbark - After wiring |
Pinus radiata in training |
Coastal Tea Tree Group |
Coastal Tea Tree Group - Digital enhancement with possible new pot V1 |
Coastal Tea Tree Group - Digital enhancement with possible new pot V2 - Preferred? |
Baeckea linifolia - ready for styling |
Baeckea linifolia - after adjustment |
Moreton Bay Fig |
Pinus radiata |
Pinus radiata - Restyling option 1 |
Pinus radiata - Restyling option 2 |
Corymbia ficifolia |
Corymbia ficifolia - After adjustment |
Deciduous Hibiscus - Native? |
Melaleuca - growing on branches to thicken |
Black Pine - Preparation for styling in December |
Black Pine - January Styling |
Black Pine - January Styling Digital Enhancement |