2016 April Saturday Bus Trip
On a balmy April autumn day, a group of bonsai enthusiasts joined bus driver Robert for a pleasant and informative visit to the Victorian Native Bonsai Show, a guided walk in the Melbourne Royal Botanical Gardens and a visit to the Baloc Nursery. Victorian Native Bonsai ShowThe show was held at Domain House, adjacent to the Botanical Gardens, and included over 50 trees on display. There was a great range of Australian Natives and photos of a selection are included below. Visitors to the Show could also participate in a Workshop or watch a Demonstration. If you missed it, make sure you mark it in your diary for next year.
Red Flowering Iron Bark |
Sticky Wattle |
Mountain Ash |
Bottle Brush "Captain Cook" |
Bottle Brush Kunzea |
Swamp Melaleuca |
Tea Tree |
Banksia "Pygmy Possum" |
Tea Tree |
Melbourne Royal Botanical Gardens
After appreciating the great trees at the Native Bonsai Show, the bus group enjoyed a brief tour of the Botanic Gardens courtesy of our volunteer guide Sue. We meandered around the gardens to visit notable trees in the Gardens including "Snow in Summer" - a Melaleuca on the National Trust Register, several magnificent paperbarks, a walk down Fern Gully to see the tallest tree in the Gardens - a Taxodium mucronatum, a visit to the sad and sorry remains of the Separation Tree and then lunch at the Terrace cafe. See photos from the walk below.
Group and the Melaleuca linariifolia |
Mexican Pine foliage |
Sue telling the group about the big paperbark |
Paperbark |
Fern detail |
Montezuma Baldcypress - Taxodium mucronatum |
Leaf detail |
Maybe a punt ride next time? |
Andre dwarfed by a Fig! |
Fig |
Visit to Baloc Nursery
The bus then headed out west to the many temptations in the Baloc Nursery. After a good look around at the nursery trees, we headed back to East Kew with junipers filling any vacant spots on the bus. Many thanks to Robert for a safe and enjoyable day.