2013 July Monday Demonstration by Neil Padbury

Neil Padbury
Neil pointing out a styling issue.

On Monday evening, BSV members welcomed the demonstration by Neil Padbury from Shibui Bonsai.  Neil demonstrated and discussed his techniques for growing Trident Maples in the ground.  Aluminium plates are used to encourage the development of good nebari and regular trimming of roots and branches to develop good shape.  At this stage in their development, growth in the trees is somewhat unpredictable so Neil usually plants them in groups of 10 to 20 to provide reasonable range of options.  See the photos below for examples of root growth resulting from aluminium plates and an example of a tree after Neil had made some essential adjustments.

Shows relative root growth above and below the plate

Root growth above plate
Trimmed roots

Other trees displayed by members are included below.

Chinese Elms
Port Jackson Fig

Desert Ash
Chinese Quince
Trident Maple
Trident Maple
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