The BSV Code of Conduct applies to all of our members, volunteers, guests, sponsors and supporters. By registering with the BSV you immediately agree to abide by these principles.
To promote the art of bonsai and cultivation of “potted” plants known as bonsai in all of its forms.
To hold or arrange displays or showings of bonsai by members for private and/or public viewing.
To arrange for and hold lectures, workshops, demonstrations and/or classes for instruction of members in the art.
To exchange techniques, experiences, concepts and ideas among all enthusiasts.
To do all such other things conducive to the attainment of the BSV’s objectives.
The BSV is dedicated to providing a safe and enjoyable environment in which each of our members can grow and develop, offering its members an opportunity to belong and participate in a community organisation. In keeping with the guidelines we expect all members of the bonsai community to be respectful, kind and caring towards one another.
The BSV recognises that we all have a role to play within the club and community as we are a member of the extended bonsai community. We must be mindful of the role we play within the club and the impact that this role can have on the greater community.
It is critical within a community bonsai club that values drive our behaviours and conduct. All members of the BSV are expected to abide and support the following values:
Respect and honesty: Recognising the contribution that all people make to our bonsai club, treating them with dignity and consideration, as well as caring for the surrounds which we utilize and in which we work. We encourage that all members of the extended BSV community are treated in a manner in which we would like to be treated ourselves.
A club free of discrimination and bullying: The club is committed to the development and promotion of equal opportunity for all. This applies to external recruitment, internal appointments and opportunity for training, regardless of sex, creed, colour, race, age, disability, religious beliefs or ethnic or national origin.
The club will not accept a culture of bullying (defined as behaviour which causes hurt and/or distress, is repeated and, involves the use of power in an unfair way. It can take many forms such as: humiliation, intimidation, and victimisation. It can be verbal, physical, social or psychological in nature. Bullying may be directed toward an individual or a group). The BSV will promote a culture where each individual has the right to feel safe and secure and the right to feel respected and supported by others within the bonsai community.
A zero tolerance approach will be taken to sexism, bullying, homophobia, racism and any form of discrimination at the BSV.
All members of the BSV community are expected to support the club in its undertakings and encourage the club to take any necessary disciplinary action for breaches of the Code of Conduct. All members are encouraged to inform a committee member should bullying or discrimination occur, the report of which will then be passed on to the BSV Committee.
The BSV has a zero tolerance policy for inappropriate behaviour.
If you experience or witness any of the following behaviour at a BSV event, or on the BSV website or social media, please report it immediately.
Sexual Harassment
Abuse: Verbal or Physical
Intolerance of a person’s religion, gender identity or sexual orientation
Behaving in a way that disturbs the enjoyment of the event/discussion for other people
Any other actions deemed to be intentionally hurtful, harmful, threatening or inappropriate
We aim to enforce the right for all BSV members to enjoy their bonsai club in an environment that is safe and without risks to health, violence and aggression.
BSV hosts many types of events, many of which are ‘Family Friendly’ and can include children.
Therefore we will maintain a zero tolerance towards offensive or obscene language or actions at events that are open to family members of all ages.
Members using excessive use of offensive or obscene language at adult-only BSV events, to the point where it disturbs other attendees, will be given ONE warning. If behaviour persists, the member will be required to leave the event.
All BSV members must also adhere to the code of conduct of the VENUE of the event, and venue security and staff must be treated with respect.
Any violation of the BSV Code of Conduct, or any action that a BSV member finds to be inappropriate or disruptive, will result in the offending member being removed from the event. Multiple offenses will result in a termination of the membership, and a life-ban from BSV events. Severe breaches of the Code of Conduct will result in an immediate termination of membership.
The BSV reserves the right to revoke membership of any member, at any time. It is always looking for ways to make our bonsai club welcoming, friendly and approachable – if you have any complaints or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to contact us! Our open-minded and conscientious Committee will be more than happy to address your concerns.