Bonsai Society of Victoria

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February Club Meeting: Banksia

Our Banksia evening in February was a very informative and engaging session with Craig Wilson.

BSV members watched eagerly as Craig pruned several large banksias and demonstrated the fact that they can be seriously chopped with very successful back budding in due course.

We learnt that they need to be regularly fertilized.He suggested it is better to start with a young banksia sapling rather than old nursery stock. Begin your banksia bonsai by cutting off the sapling roots and then plant on a sloping angle in the pot to commence the intended curvature right at the base of the tree.

Craig advocated defoliating banksia in early Spring and usually cuts leaves in half rather than totally stripping the tree, to facilitate ongoing photosynthesis. Defoliation will help to develop lots of new twig growth which will result in lots of fine growth and smaller leaves. Pinching out new tips will help with ramification. A banksia on display.