Bonsai Society of Victoria

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BSV Bonsai Exhibition 2017

Annual Exhibition at Box Hill Town Hall

Many thanks to all the Members and volunteers for their help in preparing and running another very successful Bonsai Exhibition on 14 and 15 October at the Box Hill Town Hall.  Over 90 trees were on display by Members and a well stocked sales area was the scene of much frenetic activity.

The Geoff Vanner Perpetual Trophy for Best Tree in Show was judged by Joe and awarded to Dave for his English Elm Forest also euphemistically known as "Sherwood Forest".  Congratulation to Dave for creating a masterpiece. The People's Choice Competition was enthusiastically adopted by the public and close attention was given to final choices.  

After counting many votes, our Competition Manager Robert announced that tree number 25, an English Elm grown by Howard and Marian was voted as favourite tree. Well done. Children developing an interest in bonsai also had an opportunity to display their trees and these are shown below.

Many thanks to raffle donors and show supporters.  Seasol, Bonsai Sensation, Goseng Trading, Val's Pots, Hachinoki Bonsai, Murrumbung Studio Ceramics, Ray White and Box Hill Town Hall.

A selection of the many excellent trees on display are included below.

Children's Bonsai Display


Japanese Maple


Overview of the Exhibition


Prickly Paperbark

Shohin Display

A hectic time in the Sales area

Chinese Elm

English Oak