Bonsai Society of Victoria

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January Weekend Workshop: Figs

Fig Demonstration By Tom Cockram

Saturday 9th January 12.30 – 4.00pm

On Saturday we at last able to conduct a BSV Meeting. It has been a long time since we were able to physically meet and how wonderful it was! Covid requirements were implanted to keep us all safe and we are able to have up to 80 people attending our meetings,

About 25 members attended and enjoyed the opportunity to meet fellow members and enjoy bonsai in a convivial atmosphere. A very happy day and the start of many more to come. After the demonstration we set to work to improve our techniques and bonsai. Advice was freely available from Tom and we are very appreciative of his generosity of time, advice and encouragement. A wonderful contributor to our Club.

Tom presented a demonstration about growing Fig as bonsai. He provided us with a great deal of information and demonstrated many aspects of managing figs. We were absorbed and feel very confident about having more figs as bonsai in our own collection. About 25 figs were distributed to members free of charge to provide them with more material to develop.

Tom Cockram has written a fantastic article about growing Figs as bonsai and this can be found here.

Visitors are always welcome to attend our meetings.